22 Mar Bugler Transport announced as The Heavies ‘Job of the Year: CAT2’ champions for 2016
Job of the Year CAT2: Winner – Bugler Transport
As announced by Sally Traffic on the evening:
To present the award, can we please welcome to the stage our Category Sponsor – Mr. Lee Tipton, Sales Director, King Trailers Ltd.
There’s no shortlist this year, just a clear WINNER…
For the transport and shipping of 80 metre wind turbine blades from the Isle of Wight to Southampton and storage of the cargo before onward shipment to Denmark in batches of six.
“A single 80 metre piece that cannot be part of the structural load is very long by any standards. The cargo’s relatively fragile nature meant that the operator needed to invest in the correct equipment before considering the task. Using specialist multi-extendible Wing Carrier trailers also meant that the route survey and planning had to be very thorough – which, given the short time frame – gave added pressure. The operator was able to carry out all aspects of the task successfully, including transferring the cargo from the road vehicle onto a barge – and then the reverse when back on the mainland. This was an ambitious project very well executed. As a result it won further business from the client.”
In the words of one of our Judges:
“A single piece of 80 metres that cannot be part of be part of the structural load is very long by any standards, the relatively fragile nature of the cargo meant that the operator needed to invest in the correct equipment before considering the task. The use of specialist multi-extendible Wing Carrier trailers meant that the route survey and planning had to be very thorough, which given the short time frame gave added pressure. The operator was able to carry out all aspects of the task successfully, including the transfer of the cargo from the road vehicle onto a barge and then the reverse when back on the mainland. As a result of this successful project, the operator has now won further business from the client, an ambitious project very well executed.”
Link to The Heavies’ Article: http://theheavies.heavytorque.co.uk/the-heavies-news/bugler-transport-clear-winners-in-job-of-the-year-cat2-at-the-heavies-2016/
Speedo John
Posted at 15:36h, 07 AprilWell done Chris and well deserved . Your preparation was always very thorough and well informed . John